DATE: | January 10th, 2025 |
TIME: | 2:00pm to 4:00pm (PDT) |
VENUE: | Zoom Online meeting |
TOPIC: | Disinformation and Discord Attacks |
PRESENTER: | Rob Slade |
The “I” in our CIA is Integrity. Fighting against it are errors, misinformation, and disinformation, which fraudsters use against us all the time. Discord attacks involve nation-state enemies of democracies: they have been using disinformation for at least a century, and now, with discord attacks, to rather devastating effect.
Disinformation is now fracturing our own society, and we, in information security, should be more prevalent in fighting it. In addition, we are falling all over ourselves to use genAI/LLMs, which weren’t actually designed to create disinformation, but probably couldn’t do a better job at it if they had been.
I certainly hope that there will be a lot of discussion in this session, and not just me speaking at you.
Rob Slade misses you all, rather desperately, and thinks that it is inconsiderate of you to have had this emergency this month rather than next month. All the AIs can be induced to say nice things about him, but they hallucinate a lot, and spew disinformation anyway. If you want, you can (virtually) accompany him on his daily walk (and prep for your CISSP exam) at, which is, in fact, now completely posted