BC Security Day November 2019 Remote Viewing

Mark your calendars for BC Security Day, November 20.

Once again, your tax dollars at work.  Eight hours of CPEs credits for the low, low price of absolutely nothing.

Why should you come to the Vancouver remote viewing?

– it’s free

– you get CPEs

– it’s a chance at a mini-conference with no travel budget hassles

– you get to catch up with friends, or make new ones, while learning the latest thinking about human factors in security

 – it’s fascinating to get the government take on various security issues, which is not always the same as for those in business or the industry

We’ll need some volunteers for the registration desk (*extremely* light duty): if you can please let vancouvertania@yahoo.com know.


Please see https://www.gov.bc.ca/securityday for additional information

Venue: Telus Garden, 510 West Georgia St, V6B 0M3, Vancouver B.C. (Map to Telus Garden)

Registration means sending an email to Security.Day@gov.bc.ca or OCIOSecurity@gov.bc.ca, with your name and the subject line that you are registering for “BC Security Day Vancouver remote.”

This entry was posted on November 1, 2019